GROWING UP and meeting your needs
Who is the person you need to relate to most in your life? YOU! No matter who else you are relating to you always have to relate to oneself first! That is why I feel the conscious awareness and personal growth aspects of my work are the most important. I am sure many have heard the old dictum: “MAN KNOW THY SELF” given by the great philosopher, Socrates. Well that is exactly what my work in self-awareness and awakening skill development is all about. It is simply getting to know oneself more fully and what it is to be congruent with all one’s differing aspects, the good, the bad and the so called ugly, parts! We all have thoughts and feelings that we experience and do not want. Everyone has self-talk that holds them back. So in order to help my clients work with limiting self-talk and uncomfortable feelings I use energy work along with self-awareness and awakening skills. That is why I am writing this blog today so that people may see how one can consciously work with uncomfortable feelings and habitual patterns one may wish to change. We can all become skillful with our thoughts and feelings. Because once we work together you will learn how to deal with uncomfortable feelings and the limiting self-talk. With this greater self-awareness then the you will be able to develop this skill for yourself. What happens for many people is that they have an experience in childhood and as a child they formed an image or belief connected to an unpleasant experience. Often the child consciousness gets stuck there emotionally and the pattern of the uncomfortable feeling keeps reoccurring begging for your attention! This is so because the universe is supportive in our healing process and the re-occurrence will hopefully spur one on to pay attention and heal the wound and the reactive/defensive pattern. In a session we might explore ways to deal with uncomfortable feelings and assisting you in finding the missing experience. We would first work together in dialog with one another rather than having the you immediately lye on the healing table for a energy healing…. which is usually less interactive. Often by developing the self-awareness skills of observation and maintaining presence long enough to discern the information present, that alone can start the healing process. Then once we are able establish states of self-love and self-acceptance then the awakening and transformation begins. We move from emotions to images formed in dualistic child consciousness on to freedom!. This type of conscious awareness work along with the energetic work really brings wholeness and completeness to the adult that the client has become. Growing up emotionally, mentally and spiritually brings forth the fullness of who one really is and the emotional maturity that matches chronological age. When clients finish one of our self-awareness/ awakening skills sessions they leave feeling more connected with themselves and what is true for them. They also feel empowered to meet their needs as they arise in the moment. This ability to meet one’s own needs rather than looking outside for the answers is truly priceless!
The core star is your eternal essence, who you really are beneath the persona and your physical body. It is often referred to as Being, your "I AM ness", your eternal nature. The Core Star dimension is a dimension deeper than your Haric supports your haric dimension, just as the Hara supports the Auric field and the Auric field supports the physical. It exists outside of time and space, it is the eternal Divinity of you. It is the Source from which all life issues for this incarnation. It is your unique individuated essence that was you before this life, after this life, and will always be. Where ever you allow your core light to shine is where you have health and vitality, where you block your light is where dis-ease starts. The places where it is most fully expressed in you hara, your auric field, your physical body and in your life where it is most fully expressed are the places where you are healthy and happy. The places where it is least expressed are the places where you feel discomfort and unhappiness. These are places where we have disconnected from our inner Divinity. We have forgotten who we are! A core star healing is a feeling of coming back home....of remembering who you really are. You have never really lost your essence/ is just that you have denied or hidden it away. Any dysfunction at the core star level is almost always related to some type of disconnection from your original essence. In some way it is as if the core essence is not being transmitted all the way through to the physical level. In many cases this can be so because of some trauma or experience of it not being "safe to be fully seen" for who you are. A Core Star Healings becomes imperative to the clients overall wellbeing. The upwelling of the clients essence into the haric and auric dimensions is vital to their physical health and well being on all levels.
A chelation restores your energy system back to it's maximum operating condition, much like recharging a battery. It clears, balances and recharges your field. I stay grounded and connected to the earth, to self and the Divine source and of course to the client. When your auric field clears it is akin to clearing out light debris. This is done by allowing the client's field to take in the energy where it needs to go in the natural way we normally take in energy. Energy is intelligent and the client will take exactly what they need. The energy flows in the most natural way that human beings take in energy, starting at the feet and allowing the field to fill up and create balance and health from the root chakra all the way to the crown. Once the client's field is clear, balanced and re-charged the deeper work may be accomplished. The deeper work might be a multitude of differing tasks, such as chakra re-structuring, spinal clearing, relationship cord healing, time capsel healing or past life issues. If you would like to read more about chelations and other healings please read Barbara Brennan's 1st book: "Hands of Light"